
UK: Horror car crash scene together 26 uninterrupted

, 05/11/2011, 13:38 GMT+7

(AP) - Some drivers are believed to have been killed and dozens injured after a horrific accident involved 26 cars on a crowded highway traffic through the Somerset County, southwestern He.

Fire breaks out at the scene of the accident.
Authorities said the accident occurred uninterrupted night at about 8:30 am local time at the intersection of Highway 25 on the M5 near Taunton Somerset county.

Witnesses said they had seen several cars explode into a fireball after a terrible shock. Several drivers were believed to have died in the crash, was described as one of the worst traffic accident at Somerset.

In dangerous driving conditions, at least 20 cars and six trucks have heavy problems to the accident.

Continuous accident, was described as "like the scene in Afghanistan", has led to 40 people were injured, 10 of them seriously injured.

The fire crews are still at the scene to rescue several drivers from the rubble a few scenes between intense burning car.

"This is one continuous accident the worst," said Paul Slaven, from the rescue services and fire at the Devon and Somerset, said.
Place circle on the M5 motorway where the crash occurred.

It is not the cause of the accident, but witnesses said the area with heavy rain and thick fog last night, causing decreased vision.

Continuous accident caused chaos and traffic congestion, with vehicles lined blocked more than 30 kilometers long when thousands of people are on their way to a famous festivals in the region.

Police blocked roads near the crash scene for the rescue service.



Written : Ninh Nhi